
One of the best ways of getting over your fear of something is to get off the couch and start.

The world needs your gift. It needs your talent. It needs to know that you care even when no one else does. So what does that look like? Think about this:
For you to keep your gifts and talent all to yourself and use them only for you and not share them with the world is really selfish…isn’t it?
You have to confront that thing. That thing that freezes you from starting. That thing that cripples you. You have to confront it or you will remain a prisoner to it for as long as you let it control you. Confront it. The best way to get over your fear is to start. Your fear will not vanish all in one day. However, starting will begin to show that fear that each day that you wake up and start you become less and less afraid.
You formed habits that caused you to be afraid to start. You have habits that led to decisions that freeze you when you try to start something new. The very thought of change scares you to death.
What is the solution?
Take the initiative. Start.
Form new habits that will push you farther and farther away from your fear. Form these habits so that when you make decisions you will not be terrified of starting.
To initiate something means that you are not waiting on anyone else. You are not going to get a babysitter. You are not going to have somebody hold your hand. You have to take the initiative. You have to start. Nobody is going to start for you.
There is no perfect time to initiate something new.
You just have to do it.
What is something that God has placed in you and you need to stop being afraid and just start?

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